Posted in Arwa, Evin, Maggie, Maya

Meet the new team members!πŸŽ‰πŸ’—

Hi Craxies!!! I have exciting news!!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

We have 3 new bloggers in the team, and Out in the randomness is back to post again!!!

Meet the new team!


Hey y’all so excited to be a part of this amazinggg blog! If you didn’t figure it out already I’m Arwa but you can call me Mars:) I’m a major Harry Styles simp😀 and spend waste my time reading fanfic😌 I’m learning French and I write poetryyy, I also cycle aimlessly around the city discovering new places with my friends🀩I have 2 other blogs The Corner Shop and The Crisp Pages. I enjoy breaking stereotypes and dream of a world where we co-exist peacefully, equally and happily! I also binge read a lot (advise against it!!) I’m learning to bake but usually I just end up ‘watching’ my mom bake:) I’m an introvert but love meeting new oNliNe, that’s pretty much it! looking forward to me a part of this bloggβ™‘ welcome to OITR (*drumrolll*)


Hi guuuuuys! I’m so so happy to be part of the team! πŸ˜πŸŽ‰ I’m Maggie, the girl who loves blogging, photography, reading, singing, and dancing! My personal blog is maggie’s doodles. I love the color pink, trying new food, drawing and finding cute little things (usually squishmallows! *eee*), inspiring my friends, and making others laugh! Thanks for checking out OITR – we hope you’ll stick around for all the random awesomeness! πŸ˜›πŸ˜‚πŸ’–


Hi there! πŸ‘‹ You might also know me as PottahWand, which is also the name of my own blog! πŸ˜‚ Aaanyways, I am SOOOOO excited to be part of the team! πŸ’ž I’m a CRAZY Harry Potter fan, a proud Hufflepuff πŸ’›πŸ–€ and a INFP-T through and through! 🌼 I live in England *sips tea* β˜•οΈ but I’m not that posh. πŸ˜‚ Actually, I’m NO WAY NEAR that posh. I’m also a bit of a grammar freak, and I like the capital letters in the RigHt pLacEs 😌, and a nerd. πŸ€“ Don’t hate on me because I’m smart bahaha nah, just kidding, you’re ALL are smart! *places crown on you* πŸ‘‘

I am SO excited to blog together!! This is our new schedule:

Wednesdays and Saturdays

Maggie will be taking on a series every wednesday, Maya, Arwa and I will be posting on alternate Saturdays!

We’ve updated our blog button, if you would like to swap, then let us know on the blog button page!!😜

Stay tuned for Blog of the month as well!!

Aaand…that is all for today. Thank you for reading!✨🀍


heyy!! i'm Evin. a teen who loves books, music, binge-watching, traveling and making new frensπŸ’™ i run a lifestyle blog and contribute to 2 collab blogs! (links in my gravatar profile) be sure to check them out!πŸ’« live life to the fullest and have a lovely day!

16 thoughts on “Meet the new team members!πŸŽ‰πŸ’—

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